Monday, September 20, 2010

Josepha Rauluni Jumped To His Death Today – 3 Days Ago We Critisised His Country’s Human Rights Abuses At The UN – But We Couldn’t Give Him Asylum

Definition: Asylum "refuge: a shelter from danger or hardship"

Rather than face deportation to Fiji following a failed plea for asylum, Josefa Rauluni killed himself this morning.

At the United Nations Council for Human Rights a mere 3 days ago (17/09/2010) Australian representative Peter Woolcott can point the finger at the Fijian government in regards to it’s worrying human rights record, citing that “Fiji continued to deteriorate under the unelected, military-led interim Government”

How can we condemn them at the United Nations Council for Human Rights, yet we do not give this man refugee status.

We acknowledge the deterioration of human rights in Fiji under an unelected government, yet this man was sent home?

As much as I am loathe to quote The Australian, for the minute, they have the most complete story available as a web link.

“He pleaded with me to tell them he does not want to go back and would rather die. He again stressed that all he wanted was to be allowed to stay here until a change of government in Fiji and democracy is again restored,”

He didn’t even want to stay here forever…

How many suicide attempts have there been in the last year in Villawood alone?

3 suicide attempts in the last week you say?

Surely mandatory detention is not the answer?

This makes me think that more is at stake in processing an asylum seekers refugee status.

Why must people be locked up and returned rather than processed justly and given refugee status?

Mr Raulini didn’t even ask for that, he asked to be held until there was a change of government.

A government which we criticise at the United Nations Council For Human Rights, a government we admit is an "unelected military led interim government" yet we cannot give him that.

Did our Fear of “Boat People” Cost a Man’s Life?

Or is there more to it? Is the scare of more arriving why we would deport him?

Or are we genuinely scared of how many asylum seekers have a genuine claim to asylum… and if more arrive we have to accept them?

I am not entirely sure and I don't pretend to know every specific of Josefa Rauluni's case.

All I know is today a man who’s country we condemned at the United Nations, would rather kill himself than to return that country. He pleaded for our country’s help and we know he needed it, yet we sent him right back there, and he would rather die.

What a waste of a life.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Political Hate Emails & My Response

So this was emailed to me today, on my work email:

"Giovanni Carbone states what is fact and what we all believe.
Giovanni would be in his 70's at least.

I emigrated to Australia over 60 years ago – On the ship there were Poms, Italians (Spags), Germans (Huns), Yugoslavs (Yuges), Poles, Ducchys and Greeks, (Note – All European people!!) all looking forward to starting a new life in Australia. I arrived with 30 quid in my pocket and that’s all I had to my name Did I put my hand out?? Of course not – I got a job and paid my way just like everyone else who came to this country back then.

Now, it’s my taxes that subsidise these people who think they have Gods given right (read Allah) to come here and criticise those of us who have worked for the country we now call home.

If I didn’t like what I saw when I got here I would have gone home – they have the same option.

If they don’t want to become an Australian,

When will this stop?
They want 2 of their own public holidays, because Christians have
Christmas, Easter & Good Friday,
They force our children to eat Halal Meat Pies and Sausage Rolls from the school canteens, so the Muslim kids can feel more Aussie. We were not consulted about this change - they went ahead and just did it.
Our foods are slowly all becoming Halal foods, our cheeses, chocolates & even good old "Sanitarium" foods

Our Government is ALLOWING this to happen. It has to stop now, while we still have some power to be able to stop it.

Regarding Our National Anthem -

I am sorry, but after hearing they want to sing the National Anthem in Arabic - enough is enough. Nowhere or at no other time in our nation's history, did they sing it in Italian, Japanese, Polish, Irish (Celtic), German, Portuguese, Greek, or any other language because of immigration.
It was written in English, and should be sung word for word the way it was written.

The news broadcasts even gave the translation -- not even close.

I am not sorry if this offends anyone, this is MY COUNTRY -
IF IT IS YOUR COUNTRY SPEAK UP ---- please pass this along

I am not against immigration -- just come through like everyone else. Get a sponsor; have a place to lay your head; have a job; pay your taxes, live by the rules AND LEARN THE LANGUAGE as all other immigrants have in the past -- and LONG LIVE Australia !

Think about this:
If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone-
Will we still be the Country of Choice and still be Australia if we continue
to make the changes forced on us by the people from other countries
who have come to live in Australia because it is their Country of Choice??

Think about it!


It is Time for Australia to Speak up!
If you agree -- pass this along; if you don't agree -- delete it!
that's your choice

(in this Australia where 'freedom of speech' is a fundamental right of every Australian)
IN THE LATE 1940s"


In future, can people not forward me such garbage?

You might as well be reading Alice in Wonderland as this coward’s “facts” are so far from the truth it’s not funny. I say he is a coward because he does not have the courage to stand behind his hateful words and all those others who forwarded this without keeping their email in there.

Well my name is Mu’ammar Majam (you can call me mo) and my phone number is 0404096164 – and feel free to call me anytime regarding this because I have no qualms about standing behind what I say.

Simply because it is based on FACT – not the ranting of someone who listens to Alan Jones too often.

Now if you were bothered to read his email, I suggest you read my responses to his statements, because if you do care about this issue, then you might want to know the facts and I will provide links (see below) to reputable sources so you can check them yourself as opposed to listening to the ranting of “some guy”.

I am not sure if this guy’s issue is with asylum seekers or Muslims in general, however just to note; there were Muslim’s on the first fleet…

I am not going to respond to the ranting and raving but I will respond where the facts are so far from “facts” its ridiculous.

Finally – loving one’s country does not mean some sort of blind nationalism – you know who had blind ultra nationalism – Nazi Germany – I love my country and would defend it to the death HOWEVER that does not mean I don’t want it to change for the better… Seems to make sense to me… if people who weren’t in the majority just “had to adapt” then Aboriginals wouldn’t have a vote, we would not have any changes in work laws for migrants and much much more that we enjoy as part of our “freedoms” in this democracy. That was how we “adapted” as a country for the better of our nation.

First he says:

He Says:“Did I put my hand out?? Of course not – I got a job and paid my way just like everyone else who came to this country back then. Now, it’s my taxes that subsidise these people who think they have Gods given right (read Allah) to come here and criticise those of us who have worked for the country we now call home.”

Mo’s Reply:

‘Boat people’ are asylum seekers. Refugees are asylum seekers who have been approved and given a visa. None of them are ‘illegal immigrants’.
We do not get to pick and chose where our taxes go. We elect our governments and they spend our tax dollars for the benefit of ALL. I do not want my taxes going to pay for baby bonuses but they do. That is part of living in a Democracy.
When an asylum seeker arrives in Australia, they do not get any Centrelink benefits. While their status is being processed, and if they meet certain criteria, they can be eligible for financial support from the Asylum Seeker Assistance Scheme, administered through the Red Cross. This amount is 89% of the basic Centrelink allowance. This means approximately $405.84 per fortnight – over $260 less than a pensioner.
Once an asylum seeker is recognised as a genuine refugee, after a long and highly scrutinized process, they are given permanent residency and are then entitled to the same Centrelink, schooling and health benefits as anyone else. No more, no less.
The normal Centrelink welfare payment is $456 per fortnight, for a refugee with permanent residency and an Australian-born person. A pensioner in Australia receives $671.90. Over $200 more each fortnight. Even with family/parenting benefits, a refugee’s benefits would still be less than a pensioner’s income.
For an asylum seeker to qualify for any payment under the Asylum Seeker Assistance Scheme, they must have lodged an application for a visa 6 months before, not be in detention, and not get any other payment or benefit.
To get a permanent residence as a refugee, the person has to prove they are a genuine refugee fleeing persecution, go through character, security and medical tests, and sign an Australian Values Statement.
He Says: They want 2 of their own public holidays, because Christians have Christmas, Easter & Good Friday.

Mo Says: That is a falsehood, however just like every other person who is of another religion, like a Jewish person or a Hindu or even a Muslim – they get their religious holiday’s off from work – just like everyone else.

He Says: They force our children to eat Halal Meat Pies and Sausage Rolls from the school canteens, so the Muslim kids can feel more Aussie. We were not consulted about this change - they went ahead and just did it. Our foods are slowly all becoming Halal foods, our cheeses, chocolates & even good old "Sanitarium" foods

Mo Says: Firstly halal food is merely a method of slaughtering and preparing. If your food has changed to Halal you will not notice a difference. However, if a business chooses to change its processes to make more money – what does our government have to do with it? Also, if a school changes its suppliers of sausage rolls it must have a community forum on it? That seems ridiculous. Fact is – there is no discernible difference in the taste and content of pies made in a Halal fashion.

With regard to Sanitarium – they are wholly owned by the 7th Day Adventist Church. So if they have moved to Halal production methods, there must be a pretty good reason a Christian company would do that.

He Says: I am not against immigration -- just come through like everyone else. Get a sponsor; have a place to lay your head; have a job; pay your taxes, live by the rules AND LEARN THE LANGUAGE as all other immigrants have in the past -- and LONG LIVE Australia !

Mo Says: as shown in the facts I posted above – they do have to live by the rules.

What annoys me about this guy’s hateful bile is that it is so far removed from what I think our Australia is. The land of the fair go, of mateship and respect. Unfortunately I see none of this in Mr Carbone’s email. Being a so called Christian country – how can we be speaking in such an un-Christ like manner or treating people in such an un-Christ like manner?

My Australia is not a place of hate, I hope yours isn’t either.

Monday, July 26, 2010

My Questions For a Sustainable Australia (not a big Australia…and one free from boats …and any form of real democracy)

My Questions For a Sustainable Australia (not a big Australia…and one free from boats *natch*…and any form of real democracy)

Just a thought, our journalists aren't complete morons, are they? No. Unintelligent? Certainly not. Misguided? Perhaps?

“Just doing their job mate?” (

Most certainly.

But even with doing the bare minimum, as reporters often do these days, surely we want to know one simple question.

A question that has reared its head ever since the horrible crimes against humanity on September the 11th, 2001 and it has reared its head again with the upcoming federal election

Why do our journalists merely repeat the party line handed down by our governments and so called leaders to the letter? Why do our reporters let this go unquestioned and most certainly unchallenged.


It seems to me to be a simple question.

We know for sure that our journalists are far from stupid, so why do they not ask the simple questions I find myself asking when I have heard either Abbott or Gillard talking about so-called “boat people”.

Let’s face it, Abbott’s usage of the word “boats”, “stopping the boats”, “no more boats” is his Orwellian newspeak way of making you think - boat people. Without him having to use such questionable, slightly racist language, but invoking all the worst parts of our humanity where those words came from.

Be sure every single time Abbott says “stopping the boats” you can be sure he is saying “stopping those filthy boat people who are coming here to take your jobs and undermine your Australian way of life”.

When Abbott or Gillard are talking about “being tough on people smugglers”, “stopping the boats”, “being tough on border control: - it is all newspeak for “Stopping the boat people”.

Why, in interviews aren't politicians asked some simple questions by our journalists?

Questions like:

Why are you talking about Boat people when the reality of the actual numbers entering is such a non-issue?

What exactly are you trying to do by bringing this up?

What is the motive for this being such a large debate point?

Are you trying to distract us from real issues?

Are you trying to use fear to win votes?

These all seem like perfectly legitimate questions to ask, I have found myself asking these questions to my answerless radio when I have heard Mr Abbott or Ms Gillard “talking tough” on Asylum seekers…and I am sure you have too.

Not to mention the fear about Immigration!

Abbott’s talk of wanting to reduce immigration levels drastically (again: create fear + protect people from said fear = win votes) has been utterly destroyed TODAY on the front page of the Financial Review by business leaders.

Basically saying that, reducing immigration by such a drastic level will increase the cost of labour in the long term and therefore increase inflation drastically when you consider our population demographics, nice work Tony.

If you can’t tell, one of my favourite journalists is Robert Fisk, I highly recommend you read his work. But when discussing what the job of journalists is, his favourite definition is one given by Amira Haas (an amazing reporter from Israeli newspaper Haaretz). Here it is slightly paraphrased:

“Our job as journalists to monitor the centres of power and to question the narrative laid down to us by our governments and politicians, especially when they want to go to war and especially when they’re going to kill people to do it”

So why aren’t ours asking the simple questions we all are asking ourselves as it comes to election time?

Sure no one is dying (barring democracy) but last I checked, we’re still fighting a war in two countries we have no place being in and asylum seekers arriving illegally by boat to Australia is not an issue that is important nor significant enough to warrant this level of public debate.

It is a non-issue, the numbers reflect that. End of story. Go back to sleep Australia, enjoy Masterchef. You can thank our news media for the soothing, lilting bedtime music.